Publishing Problems

  1. I’ve made changes to a page, Approved & Published them - while I can see them on the Preview page they are not live.…
  2. There are 3 pages that appear through the CMS to be live, however, they are not appearing as sub-menu items on the live website.… - Under Agenda there should be two sub-pages.… - Under Sponsor/Exhibit there should be 1 sub-page.
  3. I changed the name of a page in the Navigation, it’s appearing on the preview but isn’t appearing on the live site.…

Hi Alicia,

Are you running full site publishes, or individual page publishes here? I ask because the navigation widget does not update dynamically the way an auto-list widget would, so you’ll need to publish your full site for changes to your navigation to propagate throughout your entire site. Full site publishes can be kicked off by Admin users from the Admin > Publish section of CM1 (accessible through the main navigation drop down menu in the upper left).

As to your page that’s not updating, I noticed what appears to be a near duplicate of the page you linked me to on your web server here:…

Can you tell me if this is the page you have been attempting to update and publish? If so, it appears that the name of the folder containing this page has been renamed, so while this page exists on your server, links on all of your other pages are still pointing to the old page. This is another issue that a full site publish should correct, as it would update all of your other page’s links and remove the old page from your server.