Publishing snippet content


is there a way of publishing just the content of a snippet without the standard html tags wrapping around it? We simply want a couple of snippets to publish out so we can then pull them into a page randomly using javascript. Has anyone done this before? Any help appraciated.

Is there a reason you wouldn’t create a duplicate “page” template that is the same as the snippet (by explicitly specifying “none” for the global template it makes the page template a standalone page)…of course it is one more template…

But wouldnt rhythmyx still force the ‘html’ and ‘body’ tags into the page? We want a small bit of markup - a basic div with a ‘p’ and ‘img’ inside of it - nothing else.

Hi Lisa

our whole site is pretty much built like this. However, we had to pay Percussion to build a custom publisher plugin for us to allow us to to this.


Hmm…that is an interesting question lisa. My initial response would be “no”…if you specify no global template, then what you put on the page should be what you get published out. I base this on the fact that one of our templates outputs just a javascript array (based on items in a slot) and all that publishes is the javascript array (as designed). I don’t see why it would be any different for just outputting a div without html or body tags…