Pull data from secondary data source

Is it possible to populate a sys_DropDownSingle field with data from an external datasource (ie: MySQL)? I’ve managed to add the additional mySQL datasource, but it appears that I can only pull data from the CMS Repository? Is this correct?

I’m running v.6.7. Any assistance would be much appreciated!


See “Populating a Field from an External Lookup”, p. 256 in the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide.


Thank you for the response, RLJ. I was actually following the implementation guide, but no matter what I try I can’t get RX to connect to the datasource properly, so that it shows up in my field options. When I run jnditest.jsp, everything checks out okay, however, when I go into my workbench, it still only shows just the CMS repository (see photos below).

JNDI test page:




Did you restart the server after you defined the new datasource?


We (Virginia Tech) did manage to get the database explorer in Workbench to recognize the MySQL datasource at one point in the past, but we had to edit a configuration file manually. We’re still in development on incorporating MySQL data into content. I’ll dig through my notes and see if I can find what we did. It wasn’t terribly hard to do, but then again, we were doing that back in 6.5.2, before MySQL was officially supported by 6.7.

On a related note, our jnditest.jsp has not proven completely reliable when testing for availability of the MySQL datasource.

Lastly, we want to incorporate MySQL data in a standard content editor, but not for a list control, like sys_DropDownSingle, sys_RadioButtons, or sys_CheckBoxGroup. We’re looking at pulling the data directly into several text fields. Has anybody done this?

Did you restart the server after you defined the new datasource?


We (Virginia Tech) did manage to get the database explorer in Workbench to recognize the MySQL datasource at one point in the past, but we had to edit a configuration file manually.

I tried making some changes to the “deploy/rx-ds.xml” file as mentioned in this thread, but to no avail (probably because it was for an older version that didn’t have as many built in mysql functions as v6.7 supposedly does).

Nay, the changes we made that enabled the database explorer in Workbench for a MySQL datasource were back in 6.5.2. I’m just swamped until about 4:00 today. I’ll see what I can find.

OK, if you want access via the Database Explorer in Workbench…

In the Server Admin Tool > Datasources tab > Connections sub-tab

Add a connection,

Name: foo_bar
JNDI datasource: <pick the one for your mysql>
Database: <blank>
Schema/Origin: <blank>

Restart the server.

Thank you for your help, regardless! I’m thinking now that it might be a firewall issue on the server where MySQL is located, since we’re connecting from one server to another (in which case, I don’t know why jnditest would say it’s connecting, but like you said it may not always be reliable).

Whatever the case, I’ll post any findings.

I just re-read this thread, and saw your post http://forum.percussion.com/showpost.php?p=16064&postcount=3 . Try setting Database and Schema/Origin blank (instead of PCWeb as you have it), restart the server.

Still no :rolleyes: Thanks!