Purging more than 100 content Items

I was trying to purge content items that were added. There are thousands of items that got added. When I try to purge, it says it can only purge upto a maximum of 100 items in a single click.

Is there any way to delete these 1000’s of items in a quick way, as deleting 100 items per click is very time consuming.


To add to the comments about purging in your other recent thread: I’m not yet afraid of mass purging, but more experienced users think we should be: see http://forum.percussion.com/showthread.php?t=871

You could hit the purge url with multiple content items. That way you don’t have to worry about database syncing / caching. Of course you could also write a script to purge items using web services…

I see a method in IPSContentws that deletes a list of items. However, it requires a list of GUIDs. Not sure , what is the best way to get the list of guids. One way I was thinking is to run an SQL on each gsa type table, get the list of content Ids, build the guid for each content item, and then the guids list.

This list can be passed to the delete Items method, which should delete all the items in the list.

Is there any better or different way to do the above deletion task.


Is there any configuration parameter that we can reset or change to increase the limit of 100 max items to purge?


No, there is no configuration to change. The limit is hard-coded.