Puzzling "item definition must not be null" error

I have a snippet template that is used within a page template that selects the snippet items to display via an auto slot query.

In regular Preview mode this works fine and it’s also fine when setting sys_authtype=101 or context=1 on the preview URL.

However when it is actually published none of the snippet content is there. Instead we get an error message like this in its place.

“Problem assembling output for item: 3-101-12232 with template: mdaSnMultimedia1 exception: item definition must not be null see log for stack trace”

Any idea as to why this might be happening?

I should say that this is Rhythmyx 6.5.2 build 20071P01 3272 [RX-14798]

Hi Dermot

What happens when you view the item using the url generated in the content list?



We got it. There was a problem with how we were gathering values from an XML Checkbox tree. Works now.