Quesion Mark in Diamond

When a user sent me links for approval last night- and I clicked on them - a tiny black diamond with a ? in the center appeared.

What causes this?

Is this because I can’t find the files he asked to be approved - I just noticed I cannot find them . (Using the link I received to back track and troubleshoot).

Hi Debbie,

I’ve seen this behavior before with CM1 environments using HTTPS, and usually it’s either a caching issue or a problem with how the URL was formed. A good first test would be to simply clear your browser cache and attempt to load the URLs again. Also, if you could send along the URLs you were given, I would like to see if I can spot any issues.

While pulling the URL out of your browser’s address bar should typically work, in my opinion a better approach would actually be to copy the path to the page / asset out of the CM1 Finder address bar. To do this, simply select the page you want to link to in the Finder, and a path such as this should appear in the Finder’s address bar:


Or for assets:


You can then share this address with anyone with access to CM1, and they can simply paste this path into the Finder and hit Go, which will take them directly to the page / asset.

The question mark in a diamond is an unsupported character. Typically, it’s because of an encoding issue between what the character or item was and what it is trying to be now. You see a ? in a diamond because what you are viewing it in is a different encoding and it does not know how to represent the character.

Sometimes, when you copy an item, you copy line breaks or tabs, or other unseen characters. When you hit enter, for instance, a new line “character” is inserted to tell the application to put in a break. Even though you can’t see it, it’s still there. In some cases, when you copy text and paste it, these hidden characters show up, which lead to the question and diamond.

Other times, visible characters will do this when there is an encoding mismatch between the from and to applications. Special characters like copyright, trademark, accented letters, etc… can cause this in some cases. These are much easier to identify, however, because you can compare what the text was to what it is and see where the mismatch is.