Question about rxs_navbase variable in Corporate Investments example

In the CI exmple, rx_navbase has different values:

Preview=…/web_resources/corporate_investments (path:install_root/Rhythmyx/web_resources)
Assembly=/CI_Home/resources (path:install_root/Rhythmyx/AppServer/server/rx/deploy/CI_Home.war/resources)

Would it be possible to have one location so webmasters only have to update one place? And if so, what was the reason that the rxs_navbase is given different values for the different preview and assembly contexts in the CI example site?

We’ve thought a lot about that too. If all your paths were absolute, or if you never did previews, different values wouldn’t be necessary. But on your website, you prefer “/assets/css/screen.css” instead to “”. We use that sort of absolute path for previews and we use relative paths for publishing, so we don’t have to update any assets on the Rhythmyx servers, only on our web servers.

In the case of CI, Rhythmyx is publishing from the web resources directory to a site directory, both on the Rhythmyx server. But we don’t publish to the Rhythmyx server, only to our web server. As a result, the path to our CSS files only works when previewing from Content Explorer, not from Publication Logs, but we think we can live with that.

Thanks for the insight, very good points. Has anyone thought of using unix symbolic links ( if your servers are on the unix platform )?