Question: Ho do I escape a ' character in a JSR-170 query

Rhythmyx version: 6.5.2 build RX-16005

I have a folder named: Sam Rushing’s CMS Projects
I’m trying to select items in a subfolder with JSR-170:
select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid from nt:base where jcr:path like ‘//Folders/Sam Rushing’‘s CMS Projects/subfolder/%’

According to JSR-170 documentation I’ve found online, I should be able to escape single quotes with a second single quote, like I’ve done above; however, when I do this, I get the error message:

unexpected token: ‘s CMS Projects/subfolder/%’

I’ve seen a post online that suggests this may be due to a bug in the jsr-170 xpath implementation. Can anyone corroborate this issue? Is there an update to the jsr170 library that may fix the issue? Am I simply “doin’ it wrong?”

As a side note, when I tried replacing the ’ with a _ (which should be the single-character wildcard), although I didn’t get an error, I still got no results even though the folder is not empty and the items in it are in a public state.

can ypu try just the regular java escape ’

It looks like it breaks your query at the first ’
Also try “//Folders/Sam Rushing’'s CMS Projects/subfolder/%”

Thanks, Mike, but no… neither ’ nor \’ worked.