Recent view

I believe the ‘recent’ view in Content Explorer show items that have been accessed/modified within the last 48hrs. IS it possbile to extend this? if so, where is it set?


You can change the configuration, but the change is to a system application, which will be overwritten on upgrade. Be sure you document the change so you can reapply it after upgrade.

To modify the time window for the recent view:

[li]In the Percussion CM Workbench, go to the XML server tab. Expand the Applications/System Folder.
[/li][li]Open the sys_cxViews application (double-click on the application to open it.
[/li][li]Find the Recent resource, and click on the pre-exit icon (it is the coffee cup icon labeled “exit” that is to the left of the XML document icon).
[/li][li]Select the generic/sys_AddCurrentDateTime exit. The parameters for the exit will be displayed in the Parameters table on the dialog.
[/li][li]Change the value of the dateOffset parameter. The default value is -2, which results in Content Items modified in the previous two days being selected. If you wanted to display Content Items modified in the last 5 days, change the value to -5.
[/li][li]Click the OK button to save your changes.
[/li][li]Save and restart the sys_cxViews application.
Check the Recent view to be sure it is returning the Copntent Items you expect.


Brilliant, thank you for the detailed response.