Recommended server configuration to run latest CM System

What is the recommended server configuration to run the latest version of CM System, such as processors, RAM, OS version, etc.?

Percussion supports and certifies on several different operating systems. However in my 7 years of experience 64-bit Linux yields the best results and gives you the most bang for your buck. If you have the Linux expertise in-house, then you can use a free distro such as CentOS 6.0 running on Intel Xeon CPUs with at least 4GB of RAM. Depending on your publishing needs you might need more than that for hardware, but for a single instance of CM System 7.0.3 you should be fine with 4GB of RAM. 64-bit CentOS 6.0 will allow you to utilize up to 4GB of RAM for the CM System Java JVM.

The other major piece to the puzzle is the RDBMS. If you already have Oracle or MS SQL then the question is already answered for you. However if you are shopping for an RDBMS too, then you can also choose the free MySQL Community Server edition 5.5.18. If you have 8GB of RAM on your CentOS box, you can even install MySQL 5.5.18 on the same box which will further increase performance since CM System will talk to the database locally. You could also of course run Oracle 11gR2 64-bit as well, which has equal if not superior performance than MySQL. The main difference is the license cost.

Of course if you’re a Microsoft shop, you can use Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit on Intel Xeon CPUs with at least 4GB of RAM, and presumably you’re going to use MS SQL Server 2008 R2 64-bit for the RDBMS.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Adam. That helps a bunch. Have a great day!