Related content re-formatting

I am trying to publish one content item to two different sites that require different formatting of the content.

Creating separate page templates, assigning each to be visible only on one site, and copying the item as link to a second site, does the trick of publishing two different versions of the the page, but then my issue becomes the related content piece.

The item has a listing of 5 links (e.g. to binary files) in a slot, and I need to format these links in accordance to the site where it’s being published.
User assigns the item template when they add the related content to the item, and I can not see a way to put in a conditionality so a different template is selected when I’m assembling the page for the second location. I’ve attempted to do the same for related content snippets as for the page templates (setting “Visible on these Sites” property) but it does not, it seems, work in the same way for the snippets as for the page variants.

Any suggestions are welcome.


The site id (and folder id) of the related link are inherited from the Display format that you chose the related content in. In some versions of Rhythmyx the default display format contains the site and folder properties, and in other versions, it does not. If you always want to create the links in the current site, you probably want to make sure these values are present in the display format.


The items are always created (and related content added) in the primary site. Then the complete item is copied as link to secondary site.
When page is published on the secondary site, its related content links will use the Item Template as specified when the item and its related content were created. Question is how to switch the related content’s template to a different one when publishing to the secondary site.

Igor - were you able to solve your problem? I am facing a similar issue. I have 2 templates named StateHome and StateOverview for 1 content type daState. When I link these 2 using binding variables and publish only 1 page is published.
