Related Content

Is there a menu item to get the Related Content to show up while in the “Edit” screen of a content item? I was going to modify the External Link Fast Forward item to add related content to the content type, but for some reason I can’t get the Related Content area to show up on an item. If I use the Active Assembly Table Editor it works just fine. I have looked through all of the menu items and I can’t find one with that in there.


It sounds to me like you’re asking for an interface that combines the Content Editor with the Active Assembly Table Editor.

Percussion CM does not currently have an interface like that.

If I’ve misunderstood, could you clarify?


Typically when you edit an item that has slots available to one of the templates there is the “Related Content” at the bottom of the edit page with a link to “Edit All”. My Fast Forward External Link doesn’t have that available to it. I was wondering if there was a way that I could turn it on for this type?

Does this particular content type have a child table?

It does not have a child table on it. I am guessing it is either something really simple, or something was setup for Fast Forward items that didn’t allow this.

By default rffExternalLink (content type: Fast foward External link) 's template (rffSnLink) doesn’t have any slots associated with it. Have you modified the template to allow a slot? If you haven’t then there wouldn’t be a related content section…

I had added a slot to one of the templates, but I still didn’t get the related content section when I edit an item. I do however get the appropriate slot to appear under the “Active Assembly Table Editor”.

I also have this problem and would like the “related content” section to show, however my content type does have a child table. Is there a problem with this combination?

We encountered that problem when we first implemented Rhythmyx. I can’t find any record that we ever filed it as an issue with Technical Support, because back then we were working directly with PSO on the initial steps of our implementation. I do recall the behavior being confirmed by someone at Percussion, but then again, that was 3 years ago on 6.5.0. From what we can tell, the problem persists in 6.7.0.

Find the content type xml definition file in the ObjectStore folder. Search for the PSXContentEditor opening tag: change the enableRelatedContent=“no” attribute to enableRelatedContent=“yes” and save. Restart the content type application.

Oh wise Percussionista… Is it the act of saving the content type with the new child table that sets enableRelatedContent=“no”?