Removing Posts from from my footer

Ho how do I remove the posts from the footer of my site. I believe it’s in the HTML, but I can’t seem to find it.

© Copyright 2012 . All RIghts Reserved


Looking at your site, the copyright bar I believe you’re referring to is contained within a Rich Text (or possibly an HTML) widget housed within the region “footerTop” on your page. To locate this, load up the page (or the template) you want to edit in CM1, and if you can’t immediately find this region in the Content tab, you can select the Layout tab, expand the “Explored Regions” button, and select the region titled “footerTop”. This will highlight the region so you can identify where it is.

Next,go back to the Content tab and navigate back to the “footerTop” region. Once you’ve found this region, you should be able to see a Rich Text (or possibly HTML) widget within this region. Select this widget, hit the blue wrench icon in the upper right of the widget, and from there you can edit the content however you like.


Hi Nathaniel
Unfortunately, it’s locked because it’s a shared asset. The change needs be done in the HTML. I’m not sure where. I tried to copy the HTML, into my original post.


All the HTML CM1 outputs should be managed through the user interface. You won’t want to touch the published HTML files themselves as any changes you make will just get overwritten anytime you publish your site. Shared assets can be edited, and if it appears to be locked or inaccessible, this usually just means that the asset is housed on the page’s template level, rather than page level.

To check this, open up the page you’re working with for editing, hover over Actions, and select Edit Template. Then scroll down to the shared asset, select it, and you should be able to select the blue wrench and edit the shared asset. Note that any other pages using this template and this asset will be affected by this change.

Let me know if this works.

By the way, to share HTML with us in the future, just wrap it in tags like this, and it will display just the code:

 html goes here 


Hi Nathaniel,

You are correct, I need to edit the template. However, when I select the blue wrench, a Configure Widget Properties Box opens. Not sure what to do here.


Heidi, it sounds like you are opening the widget’s properties through the Layout tab. To edit the widget’s content, you will need to hit the pencil icon (same location as the wrench icon) through the Content tab. Let me know if this works.

Hi Nathaniel,
I tried to edit the template form the Content tab already. There is no blue wrench. There is what appears to be a wand or spray can. When I hover over it, it reads “edit shared asset”. My question on Friday was in response to this. When I select it, the Edit Widget Content box opens. I see the links the links that appear in my footer top, but no place to actually remove the pipes. I’m really confused.

Are you referring to the vertical bar as a separator between each item? If so, that is being added through the CSS file.

.footer\_top ul li {   
background: url("/web\_resources/themes/BostonTech/images/footer\_sep.jpg") no-repeat scroll right 2px transparent;   
float: left;   
padding: 1px 9px 2px 8px;   

The background being set there is the vertical bar you see, if that is what you are referring to, and removing that will get rid of them.

Yes, Thank you Daved. Appreciate it.