Removing Workflow

I am trying to remove a workflow (“No Approval”) from a newly created community (“WW_Eastern”)(attachment: communityWorkflows.gif), when I try to delete the workflow (“No Approval”) from the workbench I am thrown a permission error (attachment: updateError.gif). I tried removing the workflow from another community and received the same error. The new workflow (“WW_Eastern”) is allowed in the content type (“erauCenter”) (attachment: contentWorkflows.gif) that produced the content item, currently this community only has one content item (attachment: contentItem.gif) but multiple content types (attachment: communityContentTypes.gif). Each of these content types has the WW_Eastern workflow allowed in the content type.

Can anyone think of a reason for this?



Hi Steve

I would transition the one item back to draft then update the WORKFLOWAPPID in the CONTENTSTATUS table to a workflow (id) that is also allowed in the community.

You shouldn’t need to stop and start the service but you will need to disconnect from the workbench and reconnect (if you’re currently connected).


Thanks James,

I don’t need to change the actual workflow of the content item, rather remove the workflow from the community in the workbench. When I make a new community the “No Approval” workflow is automatically added to the allowed workflows… It’s acting like it is the default workflow for the community, is there such a thing? I don’t remember setting up a default workflow for a community.

I thought maybe the navon was using this workflow and that is why it was being added automatically to the community but it is not.

Any other ideas?

I would transition the one item back to draft then update the WORKFLOWAPPID in the CONTENTSTATUS table to a workflow (id) that is also allowed in the community.

In order to make this work you will need to do a little more to change the workflow, I have posted the steps to transition the workflow here.

Hi Steve

I don’t need to change the actual workflow of the content item, rather remove the workflow from the community in the workbench

But this may be the problem. You’re trying to remove a workflow from a community where there is still content using it. This is why I suggested changing the one item’s workflow.


But this may be the problem. You’re trying to remove a workflow from a community where there is still content using it.

I think I found a clue based on your idea. In my workbench I looked at the Navigation content types further since they would be the only ones added automatically to the community when a new community was created. In the workbench the “Allowed Workflows” for the navons, navimages, and navtree have a “Department Approval” workflow listed in the folder view but opening the content type shows a different list for “Allowed Workflows” in the properties section. This list of allowed workflows shows the “No Approval” workflow… the list does not match the list in the folder view (attachment: workflowProblem.gif) so that makes a little more sense as to why it was added to each new community.

Now the question is, how can I add new workflows to this content type. Dragging them to the list of allowed workflows does not make them show up in the list of allowed workflows in the content type properties?

In the content explorer my navons are coming though correctly with the “Department Approval” workflow being listed as the active workflow (attachment: workflowProblemExplorer.gif), this may just be a bug with the workbench. It looks like this bug will prevent me from changing the default workflow for these navigation content items since the dropdown for default workflow does not list the new worfklows either and still has the “No Approval” workflow listed.

Hi Steve

The Allowed Workflows list show all the workflows that the content type has visibility to in any community. So in answer to your question:

how can I add new workflows to this content type

You must either add the content type or workflow to the desired community under the community visibility tab. Once you’ve done that open the content type up again and you will see the new list of workflows.
