Restore 5.7

Hi All,

I have a job at the minute to upgrade a system from 5.7 to 6.7.

I’m looking to restore locally, completing the upgrade, testing etc before going and doing it live however I cannot find any details or processes to restore an existing 5.7 version on a local machine.

I have the complete DB and Rhythmyx tree. Any help appreciated.


it is not different on a local machine - all the same.

check documentation - Chapter 2, pages 12-18 in this document: Setting_Up_the_Production_Environment_Version_6_7.pdf

but before you do that - check if you actually can go from 5.7 directly to 6.7, I recon you may have to upgrade to 6.5.x first.
Read this : Upgrading_Rhythmyx_5_7_and_earlier_Rhythmyx 6_5_2.pdf

But I would recommend a major overhaul - your XSLT templates may or may not work in new system, app server, search engine, Ephox … there are so-o-o many changes since 5.7 that it may be easier to deploy a new installation, develop new content types+templates and migrate the content from current system through bulk loader tool - look at the bright side - the system will be “brand spankin” clean and nice again :slight_smile: