Restricting Users to Single Folders

We have a group of users who are going to be editing a very small amount of content items, 2 each. Each users content items will be in a single folder. What is the best way to go about accomplishing this? The items for each user will be in their own folders, and they have to also be edited by the main users of the site, meaning I will need to include them in the same community as the regular users.

Would it be best to create some sort of page that be outside of the content explorer and only give them their relevant items, or is there some sort of security settings that I can use to accomplish this. I want them to have to use the content editing screen, but not have to worry about any java issues if possible, so I am hoping to avoid the content explorer.


In Percussion, folders have ACLs in much way the same way operating system directories have ACLS in that one can restrict folder access on a community, inidividual user and workflow role basis. If you right-click on a folder, click Properties and click on the Security tab. There, you will see you add roles, users, communities, etc. and then set if that user, role, etc. has read, write, or admin access.
