Retrieve Id's of Items in a Slot

I am trying compare the value of the content id of an items in a slot with a value that was created on a page that called this template. I want to then use the value of $parentInSubNav to see if I should display the slot later in the page.

My syntax to return the content id of the slot seems to be incorrect, any ideas on this would be appreciated.

  • Chris

## Find if calling page is in the subnav
#initslot("SLOTNAME" "")
#if($sys.currentslot.relresults.size() > 0)
#foreach( $relresult in $sys.currentslot.relresults )
#if($relresult.getProperty('sys_contentid').String == $navCallId)
#set($parentInSubNav = "y")

Where are you setting $parentInSubNav and $navCallId ?

What’s the behavior? Are you getting any specific error message?

I’m am setting $parentInSubNav in the bindings of a page that has this template in a slot. Herere is the code for that binding:


I beleive as long as a snippet in that the page call does not have it’s own $parentInSubNav binding that value should be passed to the the snippet.

I am not setting $navCallId anywhere except in the if statement.

I do not receive any errors in the console. To test that the values were being collected I setup a couple of inserted them into p tags in the for statement:

#initslot("BGSU_Nav_Sub_Menu_Item" "")
#if($sys.currentslot.relresults.size() > 0)
#foreach( $relresult in $sys.currentslot.relresults )
<P>$navCallId </p>
<P> $relresult.item.getProperty('sys_contentid').String </p>
#if($relresult.item.getProperty('sys_contentid').String == $navCallId)
#set($parentInSubNav = "y")

And when I do this the $navCellId seems to be outputed by the slot content id returns this “$relresult.item.getProperty(‘sys_contentid’).String”.

  • Chris


Remember that the “results” in a slot are IPSAssemblyResult objects, and this interface doesn’t have a “getItem()” method. I suspect that you want the “getNode()” method (if your next step is to call getProperty())


Try this and let us know if it works.

That worked perfectly.

Thanks for the help on this.