Reverse Slot question

I’ve tried doing a search for reverse slot, psoreverseslot and not having much luck finding anything, so apologies if this type of question is already posted.

Each day we will be uploading a number of articles to rhythmyx; we will also contain a page to an archive for that date.

I have the following content types:
-DailyArchive (contains an auto slot to list all the articles for the day)

So example I will have 5 articles today with 1 archive page for today. Tomorrow I will have another 3 articles and another 1 archive page for tomorrow.

On the template for the article I need to add a link back to the archive page for that day. I’m not sure how to generate this link. I’m thinking that I would maybe use the PSOReverseSlot? But I can’t find information on how to configure this slot. Does anyone have any information they can share or point me to some previous threads that talk about this
Have any other ideas how i can accomplish this?



You might be able to do this by using another auto-index slot that lists all of the daily archive pages and put that on each page. That might be cumbersome unless you restrict it to 5-10 days.

Is there some way that you could you use the content start date field to figure out what the previous day was and somehow “look” for that daily archive (of course weekends would be a challenge).

OH just noticed I didn’t post what I had done here. I had done what was suggested, created an auto slot that captures all the daily archive slots. I then used took our calendar content type, modified it to work with this new slot. It worked nicely without being cumbersome. AND it took into account weekends.

If anyone would like more detail, please feel free to email me.


We currently have a problem (Java memory out of space) when there are a huge number of items to reverse look up (in the 3,000 range)…not sure how we’re going to solve this problem yet, but any suggestions would be welcome…

Of course given your current pace of adding items, it’ll probably be in ten years when you hit this particular issue…

Regarding the memory problem - is there a reason you can’t just increase the JRE size?

We have the limit of the JVM (2 GB) set on the server. As this is not a client side issue, any memory management would have to be done on the server…the exact error is a java.lang.StackOverflowError.

I’m sure that this is easily reproducible on any slot (although I haven’t tried it), but for us it only hits us on the Reverse Slot as we are mimicking “tagging” functionality via that and one item is just that popular…