Rhythmyx 5.7 is only officially supported on Red Hat RHEL 3


Rhythmyx 5.7 is only “officially supported” on Red Hat RHEL 3
it can be installed & run on CentOS 4 / Oracle Unbreakable 4 / Red Hat RHEL 4
it can’t even be installed on CentOS 5 / Oracle Unbreakable 5 / Red Hat RHEL 5
getting a java “libawt.so” error !

Stick with the officially supported RHEL 3 !

We’re doing well on SUSE Linux 10.

of course i should have said “only edition 3 of the red hat family of os’s”

As stated in Installing Rhythmyxfor Version 5.7/5.71 (see the server system requirements for Linux on p. 3), this release was certified on Red Hat AS 3.0, but other distributions are supported. Generally, you can assume Rhythmyx is compatible with any distribution that uses the same kernel as that used to certify the release.

FWIW, I’ve got several of my test instances running on Ubuntu Server (i.e. a Debian distro) without any problems at all.

All I had to change was the startup scripts to be compatible with the Debian conventions, which are slightly different from the Red Hat / SUSE way of doing things.

As we state in the documentation, other Linux distros are “supported” (that is, we will help you resolve problems while you are running that distro) as opposed to “certified” (meaning that we’ve actually tested it).


We are going to be using SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11. Is Percussion 6.7 supported on this OS? Any one aware of any issue?

sorry, was a duplicate


I’m new to both Percussion and Ubuntu. For our development environment, we have a VM running Ubuntu 2.6.32-21 and I’m looking to install Percussion 6.7 on it. Has anyone else done this successfully? As per the Apr '07 post, will I need to change the startup scripts to be compatible with the Debian conventions? I’m not sure what this means I’m that new to Ubuntu, but am sure I’ll soon find out . . . any feedback / tips appreciated!

Many Thanks, Claire


Stating ‘we’ I suspect that you work for Percussion then? I don’t suppose you have a copy of the modified startup scripts do you?

I recently met Dana who came over to the UK to meet us (The Book People, UK) along with Celine and Nick, we’re looking to start implementing next January 2011 (i.e. go through our website HTML and start breaking everything down into content types / templates etc) and I’d really like to get a dev server with FastForward installed so I can get to grips with Percussion before that meeting (I’m due to have some developer training between now and Dec).

If you could send me these, it would greatly help me!

Many Thanks, Claire

Hello Claire,
I work with Rajesh; we don’t work for Percussion, we are consultancy using the product. I’m not certain that I understand your question. We did a fresh install of CM Server 6.7 and the out-of-the-box startup scripts work just fine on SuSE. Let me know if I’ve misunderstood.
