Rhythmyx ACL Issue?

Recently all of our standard users are not able to login to Rhythmyx UNLESS they are in the Admin role. All other roles get an error message when logging in to the effect of “Application won’t run” or the java applet just hangs at 83%? Anyone ever run into this type of issue? Running an Oracle database and rhythmyx version 6.5.2. in a Unix environment. I have checked the Java and server logs and I keep seeing a “problem getting folder permissions”. Any and all help is appreciated I am at the end of my rope and Rhythmyx support says all should be working after looking at it (and they are still looking at it) but thought I would check around.


Hi Michael,

This thread is an offshoot of TAR3495. I just got done reading the communication in that ticket and I’m just a little confused by the communication thread. Is this issue resolved now?

Please let me know if you require further assistance or if TAR3495 can be closed.

Best Regards,

Adam Scarcella >> Rhythmyx Software Support Engineer III (Tier 3)
Percussion Software, Inc.
600 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn MA, 01801

Hi Michael,

Just to follow up after our GoToMeeting.

You reproduced the issue for me live and generated a Java Console level 5 stack trace log, which you’re going to attach to TAR3495. You’re in the process of uploading a copy of your tree and database to our FTP server. In the meantime, I’m going to analyze the Java Console log. If I find anything I’ll update you immediately.

Once the environment is fully uploaded, please let me know so I can begin setting it up in-house as soon as possible.

We will resolve this issue so just hang in there.

Best Regards,

Adam Scarcella >> Rhythmyx Software Support Engineer III (Tier 3)
Percussion Software, Inc.
600 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn MA, 01801