Rhythmyx Tree and DB Backup

We are taking a dump of Rhythmyx SQL Server Database, and the Rhythmyx Tree. Is there any need to stop the Database for taking taking the Database backup? Similarly is there any need to stop the Percussion server for taking the Tree backup?

I have done in the past while the servers are up and running, but was wondering if there is any value to stop and then zip up the Rhythmyx tree.


You’d have to check the RDBMS vendors recommendations for taking backups. as far as I know, All the ones we support allow online backups (with the possible exception of embedded Derby with CM1) so I don’t think you’d need to shut the database down.

Shutting down Rhythmyx prior to backing up a tree is generally recommended. This way if someone is editing a content type, or a publish is mid run for example, you won’t have partial data being backed up that could effect the tree during a restore.

Sometimes shutting the service down is not possible. In those scenarios I recommend the following when restoring:

Before starting the restored installation tree:

[li]Delete the contents of the /AppServer/server/rx/tmp directory
[/li][li]Delete the contents of the /AppServer/server/rx/data directory
[/li][li]Delete the contents of the /AppServer/server/rx/work directory
[/li][li]Delete all of the XML application temp directories in the install root. These are the “.” directories like “.sys_CEBlahBlah”
[/li][li]Move the /AppServer/server/rx/log/server.log File to server.log.prerestore

That makes sure any temp files are cleaned up before starting and allows for a fresh server.log to simplify debugging if problems occur on startup.


[QUOTE=manvinder12;20863]We are taking a dump of Rhythmyx SQL Server Database, and the Rhythmyx Tree. Is there any need to stop the Database for taking taking the Database backup? Similarly is there any need to stop the Percussion server for taking the Tree backup?

I have done in the past while the servers are up and running, but was wondering if there is any value to stop and then zip up the Rhythmyx tree.


Thanks Nate for the recommendations…