Rhythmyx V5.7 Web Services Support

I’m just getting started and am looking for a simple example web service I could look at that just pulls a document out of Rhythmyx . Is there anything available? Does 5.7 support WSDL?


There is a document on the Installation CD that describes how to write a Web Services program. There are some simple examples of the type you describe. Look for Rhythmyx_Web_Services_API_Reference_Manual.pdf.

A copy can be found here: http://forum.percussion.com/showpost.php?p=199&postcount=21

The WSDLs and XSDs are found in the server’s directory under /Rhythmyx/WebServices

Thanks David.

Could you give me an idea what ports Rhythmyx listens on mapped to the services it provides?

If I wanted to take a look at the WSDL I normally (using axis as an example) go to http://localhost:8080/services/Service?wsdl

Does Rhythmyx have this type of facility? If so what would the url look like?



For Web Services, the Server is listening on the same port that the Publisher runs on. By default, this is 9980, but of course this is configured at installation time.

Rhythmyx 5.x does not support the standard Axis services servlet and you cannot get the WSDL directly from the server. If you have access to the file system where the server is installed, the WSDL and XSD files are in the directory:


You can use your favorite XML Schema editor (e.g. XMLSpy) to examine these files.

We’ve changed this in Rhythmyx 6.5: the WSDL is now available directly from the server.
