
I am in the process of migrating a Rhythmyx 5.5 install to another server. I have packaged the Rhythmyx tree and moved it and started to change config files etc. I run into an issue running the RhythmyxServerPropertiesEditor, see below:

Rhythmyx Server Properties Editor

Initializing Rhythmyx Server Properties Editor…
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no zip in java.library.path
sh: ./bin: is a directory
sh: /home/percussion/Rhythmyx/sys_search/rware/bin: is a directory

I get the same java.library.path error when trying to run it on the original server as well.

I’m still pretty fresh to this product so any hints or solutions?


Try starting the Server Properties Editor with the -is:javahome parameter. Open a DOS window, change to your Rhythmyx installation directory, and enter the command:

RhythmyxServerPropertiesEditor.exe -is:javahome ./JRE

If that works, create a new shortcut to the RhythmyxServerPropertiesEditor.exe, and add -is:javahome ./JRE to the command in the Target field. Use the shortcut to start the Server Properties Editor in the future.


This is for a linux server, so unfortunately that option doesn’t work.


When migrating an implementation in a Linux or Solaris environment, if the path changes, you need a symbolic link to the new location of the JRE to run any of the Rhythmyx binaries.


the file is named RhythmyxServerPropertiesEditor.bin on linux.

You’ll need a symbolic link to the original JRE location, and the DISPLAY variable set correctly.