Rhytmyx 5.71 and the MAC

Some of our users are cpmplaining of not being able to get Rx 5.71 to work correctly with MACs using the following…

OS 10.5.6, firefox 3.07, safari 3.2.1

Is there any reason 5.71 won’t play with these versions? Do I need to recommend earlier versions of any of them?

With Firefox 3.07 the user says…
"When I go to the page it allows me to enter my username and password. After a while a popup box appears requiring the same information and a new box appears and seems to do something with an applet (tracking its progress until 100% is reached). At this point nothing further happens. "

With Safari 3.2.1 the user says…
“This allowed me to access the web page normally, and I seemed to be able to redraft and I could call up the edit page. I then changed the content and clicked update. The system then does nothing. When I preview, the page is unchanged.”


Those browser versions had not been released when we released Rhythmyx Version 5.71, so it is not certified on them.

I do know that we found some problems running Rhythmyx Version 6.0-6.5.2 on Firefox 3, so I would not be surprised that Version 5.71 had similar problems.

Version 6.6 has been certified to use Firefox 3 on Windows and Safari 3.2.1 on the Mac.