Rss feeds publishing with localhost address

When we add rss links to our pages, percussion is publishing them with localhost for the address. What are we doing wrong?

The rss feed is generated by the “feeds” service in the DTS. The link that the rss icon points to should be your DTS server as defined in the delivery-servers.xml file in the rxconfig/DeliveryServer directory of your CM1 installation. The “connection-url” and "admin-connect-url"in the first “DeliveryServer” element should point to the host name of your DTS server that users viewing your published site would use.

The links in the resulting xml feed content that you see when you click on the rss icon currently use the site name in CM1 as the host name. We are planning on fixing this for the upcoming 3.3 release so that these links will use the hostname of you website, not the sitename from CM1.

Thanks. It did, however, use the site name as you said it would. So having the RSS feed working still doesn’t help much.

Hi Willie,

There is a fix planned for the upcoming 3.3 release where links will use the hostname of your website, not the sitename from CM1 which should resolve your issue.
