running scripts after a publish job (AKA event hooks, pre-publish, post-publish)

Hi all,

We’re looking for a way of triggering batch scripts when a publishing job finishes under Rx6.5. Tech Support have advised that we can’t hook into post-publishing events (or similar), but have kindly suggested the following “classic” workaround:

[li]Create a process that monitors (polls) a certain directory for a certain file (for example: trigger.txt)
[/li][li]Publish a file with the given name (trigger.txt) as the last content list in an edition
[/li][li]The polling process calls the batch file to complete whatever processing is required
[/li][li]As the batch job completes it removes the file (trigger.txt)

We wondered whether anyone here has implemented a system such as this? If so, would you have any words of wisdom?

Kind regards,


Another thing we’ve commonly done:

Build a new “Publisher Plugin” (a Java class that implements the IPSPublisher interface), with a new “delivery type” and register it in the publisher parameters.

This publisher plugin can kick off some other process (e.g. flush a delivery cache, run some command line process, etc).

Add a content list to the end of your edition that publishes one item (your home page?) to this new delivery type.

This technique works on any release of Rhythmyx. I’ve done it maybe 5 or 6 times over the years.

BTW, this is a very commonly requested feature, and “out of the box” support is coming in a near future release.



Thank you for your advice - that looks like exactly what we were after! I will have a go at implementing an IPSPublisher-compliant plugin and will report back.

Thanks again,


Any news on the “out of the box” support is coming in a near future release.

Hi Daniel

In 6.6 + there are now pre and post edition tasks. Have a look at Creating Editions in the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide.



The ability to run tasks both before and after publishing was implemented in Version 6.6. A simple example is illustrated in the “Full Publish Edition” procedure in the Version 6.6 Implementation Guide, p. 328; specifically, see Step 10 on p. 330.