Running Workbench on Windows 7 64-bit - source editor missing

I have Windows 7 64-bit installed on my laptop. Installed the 6.7 developer tools fine, but when opening a template the source view is completely blank, no source code shown, just an empty grey tab.

I can run the tools in my XP VM fine so not a huge issue, just annoying. Anyone any ideas?



This is the issue with 64-bit OS and native 64 bit JVM - not Windows 7 or Vista.
Eclipse version integrated into Rhythmyx supposedly only runs on 32-bit, so even if you download and install latest 64 bit version of JRE - it will still not work. I had similar issues with it - workbench is not responsive, no source editor and no Content type editors. Didn’t yet test much more, but this is an issue. I also tried to install 32 bit JRE, swithch the one in Rhythmyx - and reset all environment variables and registry to use 32 bit version - still no luck.
Your XP VM works fine because VM OS is 32 bit instance.
Do you use Virtual PC or other ?

I suspected something like that - I see, thanks. Will just keep using the VM (using VMWare which seems quite good). Cheers, Andrew