Rx 6.7 Content Browser - Documentation

Is there any documentation on the set up and use of the new Search Content Browser in Rhythmyx 6.7

Two issues I have are:

  1. How does a user select multiple items to add to a slot from the search results.

  2. The Site tab is not auto populating with the site Route from where the Search window is called and adding a location manually throws a null value error.

Hi Dan

  1. The Site tab is not auto populating with the site Route from where the Search window is called and adding a location manually throws a null value error.

Make sure the site has a description. For some reason without it produces errors when browsing the folders in the search window.



Make sure the site has a description. For some reason without it produces errors when browsing the folders in the search window.[/QUOTE]

This is a known issue.

Multi-select is not supported in this interface. When you select a Content Item, the interface provides a list of available Templates to use for the link. Multiple Content Items may not share the same Template, so we do not allow multi-select.

When you use the browser interface to add content to any Slot other than an inline Slot, it remains open after you add each Content Item, so you can add multiple Content Items in one session. When you use the browser to add content inline, it closes each time you add a Content Item.

We are finding that when we use the browser to insert items into slots, the browser window closes when we click on the “open” button. We therefore cannot use multi-select.

Is there a setting for this which we can change?

I understand this argument, except that I am comparing it with the approach in workflow, which is different.

If you have multiple content items, you can select them all and move them all to a different workflow state, provided that they are governed by the same workflow and are in the same initial state. This is a sensible and very valuable approach.

By the same argument, therefore, when trying to insert multiple items to add to a slot, this should be possible provided that they all share the same template - probably, provided that they are all of the same content type.

We have a team who are trying to build a magazine content list. This is rather repetitive under 6.7, and was not previously. We do not want to use an auto-index because of the need for some manual selection of item ordering and so on.

I have to agree with the previous post. We recently upgraded to 6.7. As things are currently implemented the only change for the content contributors is this inability to add multiple items to a slot at once. I am hearing lots of complaints about this.
Has anyone found a workaround for this?

Your logic would be sound if we had chosen to add similar functionality to the search feature, which it would appear we have not. I’ve tested on 6.52 and 6.7 out of the box environments and can confirm the behavior you’re describing.

Please feel free to submit a ticket with TS regarding this loss of functionality. Once the ticket is in, we will follow the appropriate route internally to log a bug and work with engineering to address the issue.


My logic shows why I think you should have chosen that :slight_smile:

I have raised a “bug” (missing feature) by email to Technical Support as requested, making specific reference to this thread. Presumably it would help to prioritise this issue if other customers affected did the same.

Thanks for your advice.

Best regards

This behavior has been logged as bug RX-16050. There is no current ETA for a fix at this time. Hopefully I will have more information to provide in the coming week.

When you use the browser search in Active Assembly, after adding a Content Item, the search remains open so you can add more Content Items. Unfortunately, the browser search does not work this way when you use the Active Assembly Table Editor; the dialog goes away after you add a Content Item. We have logged a bug for this discrepancy and it is being evaluated.

You can reconfigure the table editor to use the pre-6.6 search. To roll back, open the file <rxroot>\rxconfig\server\server.properties and change the value of the property inlineSearchUsesContentBrowser from true to false:


As the name of the property indicates, this also changes the inline link search to use the pre-6.6 search dialog as well. The property controls the dialog used for both of these searches.

It would be an improvement if both dialogues operated in the same fashion and the dialogue remained available. However, this still makes inserting a number of items from a result set a repetitive process.

Reverting to the previous dialogue would bring back the issues of that search and lose the other benefits of the new approach.

Therefore we would still like the multiple insert as a feature request.


You might want to post this request in the Ideas and Feature Discussion Forum.


I have posted this request. Again, it would presumably be helpful if others seeking this feature posted to that thread in support.