Rx Directory Size

We recently went through a big upgrade from 6.5.x to 7.3. During this upgrade our rx directory has more than doubled in size. Is this normal?

No extra content has been added during the upgrade, just Rx upgrades. I’ve also cleared out old patches from the patch directory as Rx was upgraded.

Looking at a TreeSize report for the directory the largest directory at 640MB is AppServer. The source of this seems to be publogs.war, there is a scheduled task in Rx to clean out publishing logs after 8 days but there is months worth of logs in this directory.


How big is the directory? My out of the box local development server is @1.5GB for the tree.


[QUOTE=paulbeattietmc;21142]We recently went through a big upgrade from 6.5.x to 7.3. During this upgrade our rx directory has more than doubled in size. Is this normal?

No extra content has been added during the upgrade, just Rx upgrades. I’ve also cleared out old patches from the patch directory as Rx was upgraded.[/QUOTE]

It’s currently sitting at 2.89GB. Before upgrade ours would have been around the same for the tree.


How big is the directory? My out of the box local development server is @1.5GB for the tree.


You could try clearing out the AppServer/server/rx/tmp and AppServer/server/rx/work directories on your next restart, to remove any temp files that may be stale. I also wonder if you are doing any publishing into the installation tree? The logs also take up space, if there has been allot of rotation / archiving you could try clearing out the /AppServer/server/rx/logs directory too.


I’ve checked in the locations you mentioned and there isn’t really much taken up in those locations. I’ve taken a TreeSize report for the directory and you can find it below.

Click to view TreeSize Report