rx5.7 - slot in xsl

hi all

can anybody help please. I have a source xsl file which includes some velocity tags, which are published as they are and replaced on our server based on our web app logic.

i need to include a slot in this template but am not getting the expected results.

the relevant snippet of code is as follows:

<td class="mctRules">
<!-- begin XSL -->
<!-- start slot TicketTypeSaver -->
<!-- start snippet wrapper -->
<span psxeditslot="yes" slotname="TicketTypeSaver"/>
<!-- end snippet wrapper -->
<!-- end slot TicketTypeSaver -->
<!-- end XSL -->
<!-- begin XSL -->
<!-- start slot TicketTypeFlexi -->
<!-- start snippet wrapper -->
<span psxeditslot="yes" slotname="TicketTypeFlexi"/>
<!-- end snippet wrapper -->
<!-- end slot TicketTypeFlexi -->
<!-- end XSL -->
#end if

and i would expect this to output the contents of both slots and our server would then decide which one to show.

however, what i am seeing in the source is the following:

<td class="mctRules">
            <span slotname="TicketTypeSaver" psxeditslot="yes"></span>
             <span slotname="TicketTypeFlexi" psxeditslot="yes"></span>
      #end if

can anyone shed any light on what i’m missing and why the contents of the slots are not being published.



First thing I’d check is the brackets in your velocity code. You’ve got two “(” and one “)”. I wouldn’t expect it to but perhaps this is confusing things when you drag the HTML file into the workbench and it gets converted to XSL. I’m not sure why this would confuse things but you never know!

You could also maybe try using the standalone XSplit application that you’ll have in your Rhythmyx directory you’ll be able to quickly see how the system converts the HTML you enter into the XSL that gets saved in your content assembly application.


PS. To everyone else who has no idea what we’re talking about - this is the good old days of 5.7 and XSL :slight_smile:

Thanks David

i finally solved this - i had to use the following instead of the normal slot code

<!-- begin XSL -->
    <xsl:call-template name="PO_manualslot">
        <xsl:with-param name="slotname">TicketTypeSaver</xsl:with-param>
        <xsl:with-param name="position">1</xsl:with-param>
<!-- end XSL -->

however, your post did make me smile - “the good old days” is not a term i would use to describe where i am at with 5.7 and have been since day 1 6ish years ago ;O(
