"rxglobal_head" template location.

I am working an on 5.7 project that I inherited. I need to update some content in the global template and there is the following reference:

<xsl:call-template name=“rxglobal_head”/>

I can’t see to find the “rxglobal_head” code anywhere, any idea where that might be?


rx_Globals.xsl at {root}\rx_resources\stylesheets\assemblers

The following documentation: Configuring_Rhythmyx_FastForward_for_Web_Content_Management_5_7.pdf

You need to html-escape < characters in order for your code to appear in the forum correctly. Use <

Great, so I can see the code I need to change in the rx_Globals.xsl file.

alether, that link you posted to the doc doesn’t seem to work.

How do I go about updating the rx_Globals.xsl file?



Here is the link: Configuring_Rhythmyx_FastForward_for_Web_Content_M anagement_5_7.pdf


Thanks, that document is very helpful. Although if I’m reading that correctly the rxglobal_head, inside of rx_Globals.xsl, should even be edited, right?

Although it seems like someone did on my project. rxglobal_head is inserting some custom JavaScript I’m trying to remove. I can see the code in rx_Globals.xsl… so can I edit rx_Globals.xsl directly to remove the code or is there some other process I need to do?


Yes, you can edit it directly. Generally, files prefixed w/ rx_ are designed to be modified by the customer and survive upgrades. sys_ files get overwritten on upgrade.

Thanks everyone, I was able to edit this and make my changes as needed!