save search options

Rhythmyx 5.71

Having chosen to save some test searches with the show to: option set to both current user and current community set the searches seem to be visible to any user who logs in regardless - any thoughts?

The ‘Show to’ property should be a radio button, not mutli-select. If it is allowing multi-select, then that is clearly a bug. The only person who should see all searches regardless of setting are users that have the Server-admin privilege. I’m not able to duplicate the behavior on a 5.71 installation here.

Sorry - I wasn’t writing clearly - it is a radio button but it doesn’t seem to matter which option I check everyone sees the saved search (I didn’t mean i had more than one selected simultaneously).

This was a bug in an older version, but was fixed previous to 5.71. You should open an incident with tech support because it will probably require a developer to debug into it.