Scheduled Jobs to purge items

We have a state called Delete and users can transition items to this state. We wanted to have something like a scheduled job setup that would run every say like 24 hours to find all the items that are in Delete state. After finding those Delete items, it would purge them.

What are the options do we have to implement this? One way I was thinking was to have a web services implementation that would some how invoke the Rhythmyx API to find all the items in Delete state. Then it would invoke the Purge API.

is there any out of the box or better way anyone could please suggest us?



Percussion CM System does not include and scheduled task with the functionality you propose, so you will need to write your own. The approach you propose seems the correct one to me. Use the FindItems Web Service to find the Content Items in the Delete State, and the DeleteItems service to delete them from the Repository.


However, the problem is that how would the web service get invoked every day to purge the items automatically? Shouldn’t the scheduled task extension be a better approach for this?


Yes, you would be writing a Scheduled Task extension. You would then define a schedule to run the task.

On defining a schdeule, see “Maintaining Schdeuls” in the Rhythmxy Administtration Manual.


Can we use this extension for the scheduled purge: sys_caDeleteContent?


No, you cannot use that extension as Scheduled Task extension; it is a document preprocessor (or pre-exit) and must be attached to an application resource to work correctly. Nor does it implement the correct interface for a Scheduled Task.

When I discussed your thought with the developers, they pointed out that this is a VERY old extension (it was created in days when Content Editors had to be build by hand [walking up hill in a blizzard, both ways, in July]), and its calls may not be completely up to date, so even if you wrapped it in the correct interface it might not work.