script tags in liveedit box

hi all

i am trying to include script and noscript tags in the live edit box. Rhythmyx automatically inserts p tags around them and outputs them to the page. does anybody know how to prevent his happening.


has anyone experienced this - i notice somebody else has posted something similar but there doesn’t seem to have been a solution to that either.


Yes we have had trouble with noscript tags

hi jeffers

official response i received from technical support was that ephox didn’t support script tags.

i wondered how everyone else has dealt with this issue - if at all.


Good day folks,

Forgive me if the following is not quite related. From what I understand the question is that script tags get mangled/translated and become unusable in the EditLive control. (Specifically, this was happening with open & close tags < and > which were being replaced with the HTML conversions > and < )

As I recall, this is caused by the ‘TidyClean’ function that EditLive runs which tries to convert non-html standard tags.

I noticed that this process ONLY occurs the second time that the EditLive control in the Content Editor is ‘updated’/‘saved’. I was able to insert script into the EditLive control in my Content Editor and then simply ‘save’ it once. (I did not “update” and then “save” because that would cause the TidyCleanHTML to run twice. At least this is what I think was happening.)

The gist of the matter is that if I entered clean java script and only ‘saved’ it once, then it would work. If I ‘updated’ and/or opened and re-saved it a second time then the java script tags would get messed up.

Of course I always have to clean up my tags when doing subsequent edits, so I just keep a library of the common scripts I like to use so I can have a ‘fresh’ copy to work from in Notepad before inserting into my EditLive/ContentEditor.

I hope this is the same issue that is occurring for you and provides some help. I apologize if I’ve muddled the conversation.

Best regards,

Joe Z.

P.S. Rhythmyx 5.7 on Solaris/Oracle 10g

We are on 6.1 and had trouble with inline javascript Rhythmyx would remove the CDATA tags and tended to mangle the javascript but the latest patch for 6.1 fixes this