Search by Site ID?

Hello all :), I’m new here. I did do a search for this, and I have tried looking in the documentation, but did not find what I’m looking for.

My question: is it possible to filter the Related Content search results by Site ID? The site is listed in the results, but the option to filter by it is not in the Workbench options, nor under Advanced options and I don’t see how I can add it. Any ideas? TIA.

There is no way to limit a search by site id. There are, however, 2 other things you can do that will help limit searches:

  1. In the site folder, right click and select on “Search in Folder”. This will limit the search results to that site folder tree.

  2. Limit the search to a community. In many (but not all) Rhythmyx installations, communities are used to isolate content that belongs to different sites.


[QUOTE=dbenua;1551]There is no way to limit a search by site id. There are, however, 2 other things you can do that will help limit searches:

  1. In the site folder, right click and select on “Search in Folder”. This will limit the search results to that site folder tree.

  2. Limit the search to a community. In many (but not all) Rhythmyx installations, communities are used to isolate content that belongs to different sites.


Thanks. Its only a problem during Related Content searches, so Search in Folder doesn’t help and I have tried limiting visibility using the Workbench’s ommunity Visibility.

Maybe I’m doing something wrong then? We have a website setup under Sites in the Content Explorer. Under the Publishing Tab, we have setup multiple sites to publish to (Dev, QA, Prod). They all point to the site we setup. This of course is why for any given item in a search result, there’s one line per publishing site. But its the same content item (same ContentID)! And apparently, it matters which one we pick when linking. I dunno…we were assisted by Percussion when we set this up. I’ll try pinging him on this.

If those are the only 3 sites you have, then perhaps you don’t need to have the siteid in the link properties. Try removing the siteid from the display format and see if that does anything for you.


We also need to be able to filter search results by site id. We have multiple live sites which users can link between (using cross site linking), but also a number of sites for dev and test environments.

Ideally, we would want to filter by role so that only the live sites are available for users, but all are available for admin users.

Did anyone ever come up with a solution to this? I have the same problem, where we have dev, test, prod sites in a community and when the related content results are displayed, each item has 3 lines. This is really annoying to the users.

There is a poll on this topic, in the Ideas and Feature Discussion section of these forums.

…this will not cater for content re-use between sites via the “Paste as Link” feature. Linked copies of items retain their original community. So if you re-use an item from Site A by making a linked copy in Site B’s folders, and have set up the related content search to filter out anything not belonging to Community B, it won’t display this item in the search results. But if you do not filter by community, the search could display the items twice. If the user happens to select the original, not the linked copy, it’ll either do it as a cross-site link, or show the item in Site B’s templates but with Site A’s navigation.

What you really need in this scenario is the ability to filter search results to only show items belonging to the same site. Most people probably wouldn’t want all related content searches to always be restricted to the same site, so the tricky thing is finding a mechanism to give us control of when the filter is applied (according to which slot is being filled? which site the item being edited is in? its content type? its state? the user’s roles?) But a good first step would be to allow filtering by site to be set as an option in a display format. That way, we could create a display format that filters by site, make that the default*, but still have other display formats that don’t filter by site, which advanced users could pick from the Display Format dropdown.

Can anyone from Percussion comment on the chances of this feature being added in the near future? Lots of people seem to want something like this.



* BTW, how do you specify which display format, of all the ones set up to use used with related content searches, is the default?

I thought it was highly significant/suspicious that when our Percussion consultant taught us how to search for content, he always used advanced search so he could find content within a single site - as if that should have been the default.

Even in Advanced mode you can only limit searches by community, not by site. Is your system different? Or do your sites and communities correspond one-to-one? (And even then, as I say, it won’t help if you shared items using linked copies.)


Our sites and communities do correspond one-to-one. We’re not doing much cross-site linking right now.