Search for content that is related to a content item?

I’m looking for a way to search for all the content items that refer to a certain content item - i.e. for content item foo, show me all the other content items that have foo as a related content item. An example of this would be finding and displaying a list of the seminar and webinar content items that have a certain image content item linked to them.

Does anyone have any clues about how to do this? I’ve searched the documentation, but haven’t found this yet.



are you looking to “search” or are you looking to include these items in a slot?

The only way to search for these items is with Impact Analysis.

If you want these items in a slot, use the “Reverse Slot Content Finder” (in the 6.x PSOToolkit). There’s an equivalent function in the 5.x toolkit (but they work very differently due to the different assembly models).


Thanks, Dave.

It looks like Impact Analysis might be what we want.

I tried using Impact Analysis, and got an error message when I tried to display the content item’s related content:

Unknown exception loading children: displayFormat must not be null

Any clues on this, or should I contact Tech Support? I searched various XSLs (in sys_cxDependencyTree and sys_DisplayFormats) and the XML files in the ObjectStore directory, and could find no references to displayFormat. I’m not sure where to look to fix this - I never explicitly configured Impact Analysis during server setup.

Also, a search in the documentation reveals only two minimal references to Impact Analysis. Am I missing some documentation on how to set it up?


In general there is no setup required to use impact analysis. Looking into the error message you posted, I’ve found one possible cause.

Impact Analysis uses the “Default” display format for the system, which is the one with an ID of “0”, and if it’s not found you would get this error. Check to see if this display format is defined - you would check for this in the Workbench.


Thanks a lot for figuring that out - I did have the Default Display Format, but it was not visible to the communities in my system. Once I made it visible to those communities, Impact Analysis worked just the way I wanted. And this is the kind of search I was referring to in my original question, so I’ve got basically what I need now.

Does anyone know if there’s a way to change the Display Format used by Impact Analysis? (some config setting somewhere?)


Kathleen -

The display format used by Impact Analysis is not configurable.


Can someone help me understand Impact Analysis a bit better. If I look at the Active Assembly - Mandatory relationship, should I just be able to see the descendants that are currently linked to a slot (for example) or all items that were ever linked to a slot for that item?
If I should be seeing all items that ever had a relationship with this item, then how do I find only items that are currently related?

Only items linked to the current revision are seen in IA.

Hmmm… That’s weird, because I’m seeing relationships to items that are no longer related in the current revision. Any ideas on why this would be?

Is it possible to do the finding of the related content Items from the APIs of the extensions?

Creig - not sure why.
Manvinder - Yes. Look at IPSContentWs#findDependents(IPSGuid, PSRelationshipFilter, boolean, String)