Search range query in Rx6.7.0

I am trying to work out how to run a search in the Content Explorer for a range of expiry dates, following the inbuilt help I tried the following:
sys_contentexpirydate:[20020101 TO 20100101]
But it is not limiting the results to within that date range. Have I done something wrong?

Try [2002-01-01 TO 2010-01-01]

Search returned results as expected when used in the sys_contentcreateddate field

I put in sys_contentexpirydate:[2012-06-01 TO 2012-30-01] expecing to get only results from June but I seem to be getting everything expiring after 1st June forever!
Any ideas?

Seems like your date format is incorrect. Should be follow YYYY-MM-DD therefore your search query needs to be

[2012-01-06 TO 2012-01-30]

That worked! Thanks for spotting my obvious mistake :slight_smile: