Search using date ranges


It’s been pointed out by one of our clients that when searching for content in the content explorer Rhythmyx used to have a date range search (rx 5.01).

Is this possible to do in 6.5.2?


Yes. The range of search options available for date fields has not changed.


Hi Robert

Whilst I agree the range of search options hasn’t changed how do you infact create a search with a from and to date?

eg all content where the start date is between 01/01/2007 and 01/01/2008



Did the customer implement the full-text search engine as part of the upgrade? While there is no significant difference between the search options available from Version 5.7 to Version 6.5.2, the search criteria are entered differently depending on the search engine in use.

If the implementation uses the database search engine, all date fields have a standard set of operators (ON, BEFORE, AFTER, and BETWEEN). Select the BETWEEN operator and enter the date range in the associated criteria fields. Calendar popups are available for these fields by default.

If the implementation uses the full-text search engine, click on the [Advanced] button to display additional search fields. In the Start Date field, enter the range separated by hyphens. Dates should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. So your range would be


You could also enter the query directly in the Search for field in the format:

fieldname operator criteria

In your case:

sys_startdate 2007-01-01-2008-01-01

(In a range, the operator is intrinsic to the range specification.)

See the topic “Searching on Numbers and Dates” in the Content Explorer online Help for additional information about these searches in the full-text search engine.



See the topic “Searching on Numbers and Dates” in the Content Explorer online Help for additional information about these searches in the full-text search engine.


I actually think it’s not a good use of people’s time to look there. I did, and this is all it says about dates:

When searching on dates, if you enter a 2-digit year between 31 and 99, the search engine automatically adds 1900 (thus creating a range 1931-1999). If you enter a 2-digit year between 00 and 30, the search engine automatically adds 2000 (thus creating a range 200-2030).


Please see my reply in the Documentation Forum.


Any change to the date range search syntax in 6.7? Thanks.


In the Content Explorer Help, see the topic “Range Queries”.