Security groups check box tree applet won't run - Java versions

We’re getting an error when we load the content editor:

Name: security_groups_CheckboxTreeApplet

Your security settings have blocked an application from running with an out-of-date or expired version of Java.

No doubt this is because the applet is unsigned and we can’t use an up to date Java owing to the Ephox issue.

I believe that this applet probably came from the old London PSO when SB originally helped us with our installation. Is this correct, and can you help with an updated/signed version?


Assuming that is a standard checkbox tree, the quickest fix for that may be to switch the control to use the Java Script based checkbox tree control instead of the java applet version of the control.

[QUOTE=drossall;20991]We’re getting an error when we load the content editor:

Name: security_groups_CheckboxTreeApplet

Your security settings have blocked an application from running with an out-of-date or expired version of Java.

No doubt this is because the applet is unsigned and we can’t use an up to date Java owing to the Ephox issue.

I believe that this applet probably came from the old London PSO when SB originally helped us with our installation. Is this correct, and can you help with an updated/signed version?


It’s not completely standard in that it reads available settings from a database table that’s populated from an external source. We’re securing site pages/areas to various committees and groups. The current list of committees and groups comes from our CRM.

We tried the javascript alternative to the checkboxtree and found that it didn’t behave as we expected or as nicely as the old cbt applet - as standard it was simply expanding all nodes by default rather than just the first level. We could alter this behaviour by modifying the javascript so that all nodes remained collapsed when loaded, but this had the effect of not expanding only nodes where a selection had been made after saving values. Is this behaviour by “design” or should it work in the same way as the standard checkboxtree?

Is there a reason that the applet can’t be signed so that we can continue to use it? AllanA is working on our system, of course, so his comments refer to our situation.


I tested this with the latest 7.3 patch and the Checkbox tree applet does appear to be signed. Which version are you guys running? Also after the latest patch you will likely need to clear the applet cache and remove the old security certificates in the java control panel. It’s possible that an old certificate is cached and that the clients are ignoring the newer certificate.