Serach Indexing

We are not finding any new content items when we search by content ID for both in the content editor and when inserting a template into a slot.

I have tried clearing the PSX_SEARCHINDEXQEUE table and re-indexed the individual content items we are trying to find but items in this queue table are not being removed.

Can anybody shed any light on this. I have opened a call with percussion but they have not been very helpful.

N.B. We are using Rhythmyx 6.57 with MS SQL SERVER 2003

Hello Dominic,

If the items that you are indexing are still queued in the PSX_SEARCHINDEXQUEUE table, you will not be able to search for them.
There might be an error returned in the logs that will indicate the reason for the failure.
Technical Support will assist you through identifying and resolving the cause of the failure.

We had something similar and, at Support’s suggestion, we removed sys_File fields from the index by unchecking “Enable searching for this field” in Workbench. You’ll get some messages about the search needing to reindex. Alether’s comments about that database table are good ones. You can use a SQL statement to find your content item in these rows. Once the system is restarted, the search index starts to work its way through the contents of this table.