references - 7.3

This is the current set of possible server properties for CM System.

# This is the Rhythmyx server's base configuration file rxconfig/Server/

# Object Store

# Log

# this is where we're going to log (FILE or DBMS)

# For FILE logging, the URL to log to

# Request Listener

# the local IP addresses to bind to using the format:
#   ip-address-1;ip-address-2;...;ip-address-n
# such as:
#   123.456.789.012;123.456.789.013
# default binding is to the first physical address located
# and loopback (

# the local port number to bind. all incoming requests must go through
# this port number. 9992 is used as the default port number.

# Thread Pool

# the minimum number of user threads we should have active at any time
# default = 10

# the maximum number of user threads we can have active at any time
# use 0 to signify unlimited
# default = 0

# the amount of time (in minutes) a thread may be idle for before
# shutting it down. Use 0 to signify no timeout
# default = 0

# Request Queue

# the maximum number of requests which may be placed in the queue
# 0 = disable the request queue
# -1 = unlimited queueing

# the maximum amount of time to spend servicing a request, in seconds
# the request time limit can also be set on an application basis.
# Unlike threads and the request queue, the application may exceed the
# value specified on the server.

# Console line width 

# default to 110

# Server and application root

# set this property to 'true' (any form of true with any case) to make request
# URL's case sensitive (server and application roots only). remove this 
# property or set it to anything else but 'true' to make requests case
# insensitive.

# Communities Enabled Property

# set the initial value for this property as 'yes', that means communities 
# are enabled by default. During the installation User will be provided with 
# a community selection panel immediately after product selection panels. 
# Depending on the user input the property will be reset.

# require unique field and fieldset names

# Set this property to 'true' (any form of true with any case) to require
# all field and fieldset names in an content editor to be unique. This includes
# any fields or fieldsets included from shared groups.  If required, then an
# application that violates this rule will fail to start.  Remove this property 
# or set it to anything else but 'true' to allow such an application to start, 
# with a warning written to the console and the log.  Only disable this feature 
# to temporarily provide backwards compatiblity to deployed applications, as 
# subtle problems may occur with this feature disabled.

# This setting disables the use of the IIS plugin related native shared memory 
# classes, which are almost never used and have been traced to cause a server failure
# while starting and stopping two servers running on the same machine at the same time.
# Refer to bug id: Rx-03-01-0050

# Set this property to 'true' to allow character encodings to be modified in
# XSL stylesheets prior to transformation so they match the character output
# encoding as set in the workbench. This will modify the <xsl:output> encoding
# attribute and the charset of any content-type meta tag.

# Response close delay
# The response close delay in milliseconds, can be set by using
# server property "responseCloseDelay". Defaults to 10 milliseconds,
# and can never be less then 10 milliseconds. This helps deal with network
# latency issues and Microsoft's Internet Explorer. This has typically seen
# as Page Expired or Server Error 500 when adding a child item in a CE.
# Increasing the delay will help to mitigate the latency issue.

# Set this property to 'true' to restrict search results to user's logged 
# in community

# Set the cache behavior for caching the catalogged searchable fields
# which is used in the Search Dialog box. The possible values are:
#    CachePerJVM    - The cache will be persist for all applet instances, hence
#                     switching community or different HTML tab will not cause
#                     cache reload.
#                     This is the default behavior if the property is not defined.
#    CachePerApplet - The cache will be (lazily) reloaded per applet instance,
#    None           - Not to cache the searchable fields. This may be used when
#                     the client has insufficient RAM.
# The applet behavior between InternetExplorer, FireFox and Netscape browsers
#    InternetExplorer - There is one JVM per IE instance. A child IE window shares the same JVM with its parent.
#                       Switch community or another HTML tab then back to the "Content" tab will re-use the same
#                       CX applet instance. However, bring up the search dialog box in Active Assembly will create
#                       a new CX applet instance.
#    FireFox          - There is one JVM within a Windows OS. All FireFox instances share the same JVM.
#                       Switch community or another HTML tab then back to the "Content" tab will create new CX applet
#                       instance. 
#    Netscape         - There is one JVM within a Windows OS. All Netscape instances share the same JVM.

# Define a set of estimate table statistics:
#    (table-name,number-of-row) pairs with ; (semicolon) delimiter.
#    Defaults to both RXPUBDOCS table with 1000000 rows.
#    This is used for the XML application to get estimate statistics for
#    huge tables where it may take a long time to get the table's indices and 
#    statistics with the JDBC API (java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo(...)).
# This property has no effect if "enableEstimateStatistics=true" or "enableEstimateStatistics" is not defined

# enableEstimateStatistics is set to "true" by default. If it is set to true, it will
# not attempt to get the actual statistics for all tables and views. 
# This behavior can be turned off if the property is set to "false". 

# Determines whether or not the Browse Content Dialog will be displayed when 
# adding an inline link, inline image, inline template, or when adding
# slot content in the table editor. If set to 'false' the legacy search dialog
# will be used, if 'true' the Browse Content Dialog will display.

# The absolution location for archived publishing log files. 
# If this is not specified, it is default to 
# "AppServer/server/rx/deploy/publogs.war/", which is relative to the 
# Rhythmyx installed directory.

# Default Active Assembly mode:
#  0 = Show Icons and Borders
#  1 = No Icons and Borders displayed

# This property controls what page the PSActionPanelServlet dispatches to. This
# is used by workflow notification and the Copy URL action in CX.
#   The following values are supported (case-insensitive):
#      actionPanel - will dispatch to the AP page, adding site and folder ids
#      activeAssembly - will dispatch to the AA page, adding site, folder and
#         variant ids
#   If not present or no value is specified, actionPanel is assumed.

# Setting this property to true will indicate that "true" inline template
# support is desired. In this mode inline templates are nolonger wrapped in
# the special div tags and the special attributes are added to the root element
# of the template. If the template is to be inline instead of block then the
# root element must be a span tag.

# Set this property to provide the default behavior for the Include site 
# in the link check box in the Browse Search dialog template panel and search panel.
# Any value other than true is treated as false.

# Set this property to provide the default behavior for the Include folder 
# in the link check box in the Browse Search dialog template panel and search panel.
# Any value other than true is treated as false.

# Setting this property to true will turn on item validation for public items
# (items in the public workflow state) during workflow transition. By default 
# this property is disabled.

# Setting this property to true will force folder security to override assignee
# and admin workflow permissions. If an item is not in a single folder that has 
# write access for the assignee/admin then the assignee/admin will not be able 
# to edit or workflow the item. By default, this property is disabled if not 
# specified. However, it is enabled for new installed server.

# The property used to enable cleansing request parameters. Default to false
# which is the same as the absence of the property. The cleansing request
# parameters can only be enabled if this property is set to "true".

# This property is the threshold of when to push item cross site link updates
# into the queue for asynchronous processing. 50 is the default.

# This property enables or disables the asynchronous queue-ing of touching 
# public items by default its enabled.

# Set this property to provide the default behavior for the snippet picker dialog
# that pops up in AA while adding a new or existing snippet or removing a snippet.
# The dialog by default shows the snippets, set this property value to ShowTitles
# to show the titles by default. The value is case sensitive and any value other
# than ShowTitles is treated as show snippets.

# This property is the threshold of when to stop unpublishing optimization.
# 1000 is the default.

# The content list results are split based on chunk size for memory reasons.
# -1 indicates no splitting. The default is 1000.

# Meta file extraction:
# To avoid unpredictable excess memory use, extractor will only extract a
# max string length of the first characters from the input document.

# Set this property here is the same as set the same parameter for all
# content lists, which indicates to un-publish an item from its previous
# published location if the published location has been changed. 
# The server property, sys_unpublishChangedLocation=true, overwrites the same
# parameter specified in the content list; otherwise the parameter specified
# in the content list will be considered.

# This property is enable the notification to 'add hoc' users (assignee) 
# during workflow transition. After this is enabled, the workflow notification
# will only send to the 'add hoc' users, but ignore other assignees 

# Determines if the assignment type (of the workf-low) calculation 
# should be filtered by the community roles. 
# This feature is enabled if the value of this property is "true";
# otherwise it is disabled. Default to "true" if not specified.
# Note, this filtering feature is not enabled for users with "Admin" role of the item's workflow.

# This property controls how content editor groups are rendered. Two values
# are supported - collapsible and tabsLeft. If not present, defaults to
# collapsible.  

# This property is to enable grouping of content types based on workbench 
# content types folder structure. This feature is introduced in CMSystem 7.2
# which allows content types to be grouped based on folder in this such content
# types are created in the workbench.  By setting the default value of this property 
# to true, the feature is turned on.  Change the property value
# to false to turn off this feature.    

# This property is to enable grouping of templates based on workbench templates
# folder structure. This feature is introduced in CMSystem 7.2 which allows 
# templates to be grouped based on folder in this such templates are created in 
# the workbench.  By setting the default value of this property to true, the 
# feature is turned on.  Change the property value to false to 
# turn off this feature.    

# This property is to enable manual editing of the nav_submenu slot. 
# CMSystem 7.1 removes the manual removal and addition to this slot
# by default, only the ability to reorder the items remains 
# Manual removal and addition to the nav_submenu slot
# is not recommended as this can seriously break the structure of the navigation
# tree.  This property is provided mainly for consistent behavior of existing
# clients who rely on being able to edit the slot.

# Allows "purge revisions" scheduled task to run

# Determines if filter (by login community) for the available templates in the Content Browser.
# Defaults to not filter the available templates by community.

# How long before user notified that their session will timeout

# How many minutes of inactivity before user is logged out by client
# Enables new automated site and folder id correction functionality.  This may be 
# made the default behavior in future release.  For now it is just default for new
# implementation and needs to be enabled for a patch.
# If not set to true may throw errors if links are created to items that are not in any folder
# It is advised that all items are kept in folders and this is set to true, the default.
# This is made available for backwards compatibility with implementations that did not
# rely on folders.

# Example Site Group configuration. This is required when multiple site definitions point at the same folder and autofixFolderSiteIds=true.
# For example:
# If //Sites/MySite has the following site definitions:  MySite(1), MySiteStaging(2), MySitePreview(3), MySiteDev(4) and a second
# site //Sites/MyOtherSite has these site definitions: MyOtherSite(5), MyOtherSiteStaging(6), MyOtherSiteDev(7)
# then the following site groups would be defined:
# NOTE: There is no site group for production, it is the default group for all sites.  Any site not defined in a siteGroup as above will be treated as production. 
# Given the example configuration, location schemes will generate the correct link when cross site links are active.  e.g. a link from a
# page on MySite to a page on MyOtherSite would actually link to the page on MyOtherSiteStaging when MySiteStaging is published.