Set as landing page action menu package


Since someone requested the right-click > set as landing page module (described in this post) I’ve created using standard XML application and action menu, and since it’s generic with the action menu only requiring to be configured to know the landing page slot id and template id, here is a 6.7 installer package.

One XML application and one Action Menu item will be created when you install this package.

Cheers, Andrew

OTG_setAsLandingPage.ppkg (30.6 KB)

Hi Andrew

I tried installing this package and get the following error

error: An unexpected error has occurred: The data set (Dataset11254) in application (OTG_setLandingPage) is not valid: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist


CreateViews.sql.txt (2.29 KB)

Apologies, it runs using these views. This script is to create them in SQL Server.

Got it working now with a few modifications to the vies as we are running Oracle.

Still testing it but so far seems like a really useful addition
