Set DropDownMultiple values after uploaded an file.

Is it possible to set DropDownMultiple control values determine what type of file has been uploaded into the content item?

It looks to me kind of a custom function as I can’t see there any existing extension provided under the Item Transforms and Validations section.

Anyone got any ideas?


Data such as the MIME type and extension are typically provided by either the sys_FileInfo or sys_ImageInfoExtractor extensions, which are added as pre-processors for the Content Type. Usually, the data fields are simple text boxes.

For more information, in the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide, see the topic “Adding Pre-processing Extensions” p. 271, and the documentation on these extensions in the Rhythmyx Technical Reference Manual.


To set a single value into the control which works ok using sys_CopyParameter, however there is no options or other extensions to set multiple values into the control.


Could you explain what you are trying to accomplish?

Typically, when a file is uploaded to a Content Editor, certain properties of the file are also populated to metadata fields on the Content Editor, including the MIME Type and extension. The extensions I cited perform this processing automatically. The sys_File and sys_Binary Content Types in FastFoward illustrate the standard practice.

It sounds like you might be trying to do something different, but I’m sure exactly what it is.


I need to detect which type of files I am uploading into the content type, so I can set more than one values either in the DropDownMultiple or CheckBoxGroup control.

Say if I am uploading a document file which has the .doc extension and I would like to select two values into the DropDownMultiple control after I press the Update button. Whereas if I am uploading a pdf file which has the .pdf extension and I would like to select one value into the DropDownMultiple control.


OK, now I understand. You would need to implement a new extension to perform the processing you want.