Share navtree?

I have three questions and I’m sure I know the answers already but here we go.

  1. In our NavTree we have several manual slots to allow us to add items to to the top or bottom of all our pages. It also allows me to specify some other values that are different in each of our sites. I’m now creating a new site that needs to have those same items in the slots. At the moment I’ve just copied the navtree into the new site, however, when I need to add/remove an item from one of these slots I’ll have to do it in both. Is it possible to just share the navtree between the two sites?

  2. On my new site I have 1 page that needs to show the navigation options from another site. Is there a way to do that through templates?

  3. My third option I have thought of is that I not create a new site, but just create a folder on my main site and place all the content items in there. In my location scheme just do a “if path contains” statement and that could determine the URL for site assembly (we do this now for other sites). Is it possible to publish items to a different folder then the publish path in the site registration?

My guess is there’s no easy way to do either of these but thought I would ask anyway.
