sharedimage fields and sys_File control

I’m having some trouble with the sys_File control.

I tried adding the sharedimage fields to my content item, and there was some weird behavior: The img2 fields weren’t showing up in the editor. I did a view source and could see they were there, but as hidden fields. This includes the img2 sys_File field for example. So there was no way to upload a “Mini” image.

So as an alternative, I tried creating my own fields. I called them thumbnail (for the sys_File control), thumbnail_filename, and thumbnail_type.

Now it works, and thumbnail_filename and thumbnail_type get populated automatically. the only problem is that the “Clear” checkbox doesn’t show up next to thumbnail, and the thumbnail_filename and thumbnail_type show up as textboxes instead of being hidden.

OK. I found the ‘Clear’ checkbox. It is a property of the control. But I am still having a problem with the filename and mimetype edit boxes showing up in the content item editor.

Hi April

It seems like to need to configure either the Read Only or Visibility rules for your controls.

Hightlight the control you want to edit and click on the “All Properties…” button and you find them in there.

Have a look at the rxs_ct_shared controls for more info. The sharedimage img2 and associated controls are hidden by default so you will have to update the visibility rules to show them.


[QUOTE=jimbo;6354]Hi April

It seems like to need to configure either the Read Only or Visibility rules for your controls.

Hightlight the control you want to edit and click on the “All Properties…” button and you find them in there.

Have a look at the rxs_ct_shared controls for more info. The sharedimage img2 and associated controls are hidden by default so you will have to update the visibility rules to show them.


Thanks for the tip on visibility. I tried it out and it works. Although, it turns out that img2 is not required, and I need that to be a required field. So my own one seems to work best for me.

I guess I’ll just have to replace img1 with my own field, and that way at least to the two sets of image fields can be consistent with eachother.


You don’t need to define a new field. You can add a validation rule to the fields from the shared definitions. If you want the rule enforced globally for all instances of that field, modify the shared definition. If you want it enforced only in a specific Content Type, add the rule as a local override in that Content Type.

For more details about a local override, in the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide, see "Overriding a Shared field, p. 238.