Silly Velocity Question about #[[ parser exclusion syntax ]]#

Below is a sample JQUERY template that is to be embedded into a velocity template.

<script id="appTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
 			<a href="${DURL}">
             			<img src="${IURL}" class="f-left" width="39"  alt="${IDESC}" title="${IDESC}" />
                  	<div class="block"> <a href="${DURL}">${AN}</a>
                  		{{each(j,rating) PL}}
    					{{if rating["AAR"]}}
                  				<div style="clear:both;"></div>
                  				<div id="r${j}" title="${rating['AAR']} star rating">
                        				<img class ="platformIcon" src="${ rating['AAR'] ? rating['PIURL'] : '' }" 
                                				alt="${ rating['AAR'] ? rating['PIDESC'] : '' }"></img>
       					   		{{if rating["AAR"] % 1 == 0}}
			    					<img class="stars ratings_stars_img" src="./resources/images/${rating['AAR'] - rating['AAR']%1}_star_rating.png"
                                        				alt="${rating['AAR'] - rating['AAR']%1} star rating"></img>
       					   		 {{if rating["AAR"] % 1 != 0}}
                                    				<img class="stars ratings_stars_img" src="./resources/images/${rating['AAR'] - rating['AAR']%1}.5_star_rating.png"
                                        				alt="${rating['AAR']} star rating"></img>
							<div class="total_votes">${rating["NR"] ? rating["NR"]+' Ratings': ''} </div>

Which is fine except that Percussion’s Apache Velocity Parser barfs on things like ${rating[‘AAR’]}.
So the above must be transformed into something like this.

#set($hack2 = '${rating["AAR"]}')
#set($hack3 = './resources/images/${rating["AAR"] - rating["AAR"]%1}_star_rating.png')
#set($hack4 = '${rating["AAR"] - rating["AAR"]%1} star rating')
#set($hack5 = './resources/images/${rating["AAR"] - rating["AAR"]%1}.5_star_rating.png')
#set($hack6 = '${rating["AAR"]} star rating')
#set($hack7 = '${rating["NR"]')
<script id="appTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
 			<a href="${DURL}">
             			<img src="${IURL}" class="f-left" width="39"  alt="${IDESC}" title="${IDESC}" />
             		<div class="block"> <a href="${DURL}">${AN}</a>
              			{{each(j,rating) PL}}
					{{if rating["AAR"]}}
              					<div style="clear:both;"></div>
              					<div id="r${j}" title='$hack2 star rating'>
                    					<img class ="platformIcon" src="${ rating['AAR'] ? rating['PIURL'] : '' }" 
                            					alt="${ rating['AAR'] ? rating['PIDESC'] : '' }"></img>
   					   		{{if rating["AAR"] % 1 == 0}}
		    						<img class="stars ratings_stars_img" src='$hack3'
   					   		 {{if rating["AAR"] % 1 != 0}}
                                				<img class="stars ratings_stars_img" src='$hack5'
							<div class="total_votes">$hack7 ? rating["NR"]+' Ratings': ''} </div>

This is a real pain to do every time the JSON Template changes.

It would be really nice if we could use #[[ ]]# to hide stuff from the parser out as documented in the apache velocity manual
See Unparsed Content section at the bottom of this page


Parser doesn’t see this.
At all…


Somehow I seem to be getting velocity parser errors on items enclosed in these symbols.

You may need to submit a feature request to have the Velocity engine upgraded to the latest version since we’re on 1.6.2 ( the Unparsed Content feature is not available as you’ve experienced.