single check box not working

I’ve tried creating a local field to a content type with a single checkbox. THe only value in it is Yes. But when I go to check it and press update, the check box doesn’t stay checked …

Anyone come across this or have any ideas??


Has anyone found a solution to this problem? I am having this same issue in my DEV and PROD environments, and it’s starting to hold me back a bit.



When I reported this to Percussion they said it was a known bug but I can’t find the email with the bug report number. As a work around I’ve been using single dropdown with the options Yes/No. Then in velocity I’m just saying “if field == true then do whatever”

If you do find a better solution, please post here, thank you.

Hope that helps.


Just tried this, and it doesn’t help. Here is what I have noticed with my system:

  1. The storage size value is persistently set to 1. If I change it to 50 or max or whatever, it will visibly change in the workbench, but if I exit and re-login, the Storage size will be back at 1.

  2. If I check the box, and click update, the box appears unchecked in the Content Explorer… but if I preview the content item without any further changes, it will give me a value of “0” when I do $sys.item.getProperty(“remotelink”).String (remotelink is the name of the field that is a single checkbox). If I edit the content item, and change nothing, then save it again… the above call outputs nothing… not even the zero.

This leads be to believe that when I check the box and save, it is saving something to the database, but in re-rendering the content item editor, it fails to get the checked status on that field… therefore the next time it gets saved, it saves it in the unchecked/false state. So I can reliably code against the 0 or null values for checked or unchecked, however, my content contributors will not be able to remember to check that box every time they edit an existing item… and they won’t be able to check it’s status before hand, because the preview of the content item also suffers from the same issue. It can’t seem to get the data from that field… but it can save the data.

Thanks for the good info shane… I’ll keep you updated if I find a solution.


I believe I have found the workaround for this issue:

When I initially created the field, I used the default data type of bool. Later when I tried to update it to a “Text” field so I could assign a label and value that were text, for some unknown reason, it was failing to update the data type of the field. It said it was a text type, but the storage size was 1. I could NOT get it to change no matter how I tried.

I created a new field, using all the correct parameters before I saved or clicked away… making sure the data type was text, and making sure I created the correct label and value first. Then when everything was correct, I saved it, the deleted the old field, and renamed the new field to the old field’s name.

I created a second field just to double check this, and it seems that if I use all the correct options from the beginning before the initial save, everything is fine. I still can’t explain why I was not able to change the data type though, because subsequent tests, creating the wrong type, then changing it have proven successful.
