Site and User Automation in CM1

Holly (our rep) mentioned to me that I should reach out just to see if anyone else in the community has been able to setup any kind of automation for their CM1 environment.

Background: We are a school district that has thousands of teachers. One way we will be using CM1 is for individual sites for teachers (they will have content control over their own site). As such, below are some necessities we’ll need in order to properly (and efficiently) manage our CM1 environment on a daily basis.

  • Automate the addition and removal of Active Directy (AD / LDAP) users
  • Automate adding and removing of permissions for AD Users within CM1
  • Automate the addition, deletion, and possibly moving, of sites within CM1

Also, while we will be having an official discussion with our CM1 reps later this week, I thought I’d touch base on here just to see if anyone else has run into this need and to see what their methods may have been.


Great questions, Paul.

If other customers have similar questions, I will be sure that any general solutions identified through Paul’s discussion with our team are shared with everyone on the CM1 Community.