Site map


I’ve had a request from one of my users that have a site map for their area automatically generated. They are not looking for a Google style one but something like this:

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how we could do this?



I haven’t got round to implementing this myself* but I was planning to generate site maps by setting up a page template to publish the navtree. But not to use the navigation content finder to traverse the tree of navons, just because it is the only item I know will always be in the site. Then use a JSR-170 query like the one in this thread so that the sitemap lists subsections alphabetically by title instead of the order manually set up in each navon.

*Our web site designs all include a “fat footer” which is kind of like a sitemap at the bottom of every page. We plan to have a conventional sitemap on a separate page as well, for visitors who want it.

Thanks for this - I’ll have a play!!!

I actually have a template that will do this check out this thread: