I want to generate a report that will show me all the Slots and all allowed content (Content Type and Template).
I also want a report on all Content Types and allowed Templates.
Has anyone generated reports like this before?
I want to generate a report that will show me all the Slots and all allowed content (Content Type and Template).
I also want a report on all Content Types and allowed Templates.
Has anyone generated reports like this before?
-- slots and allowed content
SELECT rxst.slotname,
psxt.name AS "TEMPLATE_NAME"
FROM rxslotcontent rxsc,
rxslottype rxst,
contenttypes ct,
psx_template psxt
WHERE rxsc.contenttypeid=ct.contenttypeid
AND rxsc.slotid =rxst.slotid
AND rxsc.variantid =psxt.template_id
ORDER BY rxst.slotname,
I’ll have the other section of code in a minute or two. Waiting on SQL developer to cooperate…
-- content types and associated templates
SELECT ct.contenttypename,
psxt.name AS "TEMPLATE_NAME"
FROM contentvariants cv,
contenttypes ct,
psx_template psxt
WHERE cv.contenttypeid=ct.contenttypeid
AND cv.variantid =psxt.template_id
ORDER BY ct.contenttypename,
many thanks.
Very useful!